PM2.5 Air Quality感測器 with I2C Interface - PMSA003I
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Particle Range of measurement: 0.3~1.0,1.0~2.5, 2.5~10 Micrometer
Particle Counting Efficiency: 50% @ 0.3μm 98% @ >=0.5 μ m
Particle Effective Range (PM2.5 standard): 0~500 μ g/m ³
Particle Maximum Range (PM2.5 standard): ≥ 1000 μ g/m ³
Particle Resolution: 1 μ g/m ³
Particle Maximum Consistency Error (PM2.5 standard): ± 10% @ 100~500 μ g/m ³
±10 μ g/m ³ @0~100 μ g/m ³
Particle Standard Volume 0.1 Liter
Single Response Time <1 second
Total Response Time ≤ 10 seconds
DC Power Supply Typ: 5.0V Min: 4.5V Max: 5.5V
Active Current ≤ 100 mA
Standby Current ≤ 200 μ A
Interface Level: 3.3V logic, L <0.8V, H >2.7V
Working Temperature Range -10 ~ 60 ℃
Working Humidity Range 0~99%
Storage Temperature Range -40 ~ 80 ℃
MTTF ≥ 3 Year
I2C address 0x12 (cannot be changed)
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Dimensions: 38.0 x 35.0 x 12.0mm
Weight: 21.0g